Breaking Bad: Before Tonight’s episode, “Granite State”

SPOILERS AHEAD. Don’t read unless you’ve seen everything through “Ozymadias” and the preview for next week.

One of the things they say that writer’s should do is put their characters into really difficult situations, and figure a satisfying way out for them. A writer should do that throughout a book, but especially at the climax of the story. We’re about to see that in tonight’s episode “Granite State”.

I’ve long held that the Lydia storyline of Breaking Bad is going to come to a head. I’m not talking Uncle Jake and company. I think it’s going to be Lydia’s buyers in the Czech Republic. She’s been extremely worried about the quality of “the product”. She uses phrases like “it’s very important to me”. I’ll bet it’s a lot more than that. I think she’s scared. If this storyline is going to play out, it really has to tonight. What do I think will happen along those lines? I think that despite Jesse now working for Uncle Jack and Todd, the quality of what they’re producing isn’t going to be enough. I’m betting that they’re going to get a visit from people representing the Czech buyers, and it’s not going to end well for Uncle Jack and Todd. They’re either going to get killed, or get threatened to the point where they’re going to try and get Walt to come back to cook.

We’ve seen in the previews. Someone’s going to threaten Walt’s family. It could be the DEA, Uncle Jack and Todd, or the Czech buyers. Of the three, I think the possibility that it’s the Czech buyers is the most interesting. There’s always the possibility that if the word got back to the Mexican/South American cartels that Walt is Heisenberg, they’re try and go after him.

At this point in the story, everything’s up for grabs. We know from the flash forwards we’ve seen that Walt is headed back from the “Granite State”, New Hampshire, where he’s probably relocated since last episode. What would bring him back? A threat to his family. People are going to start getting killed (maybe even Walt Jr., if Skyler doesn’t cooperate), and Walt’s going to head back to exact some revenge for it. Walt’s a smart guy. Whatever he ends up doing, there better be some chemistry involved.

Meaning of Breaking Bad’s Felina

The last show of the Breaking Bad series is called: Felina.

There are several observations I’ve seen made about this title.

1) It’s a song title.

2) It’s an anagram for “Finale”

3) If you take the letters, Fe, Li, Na. That’s Iron, Lithium, and Sodium. That’s an ingredients list. Iron is in blood, Lithium is in meth, and Sodium (salt) is in Tears. Blood, Meth and Tears.

Not sure which of these are which, or even if they were intentional, but man, I hope number 3 was.

Breaking Bad: Ozymandias


Another great episode of Breaking Bad last night. We all pretty much knew that Agent Gomez and Hank were goners, but it was good to see that Hank got at least a little more camera time before they got rid of him.

Todd continues to give me the creeps. They didn’t even show what happened after he got ahold of Jesse, but we sure saw what Jesse looked like afterwards. The implied threat to Andre and Brock via that picture that Todd had paper clipped up on the pole was pretty chilling too.

I could not believe that Hank grabbed Holly near the end of the episode, after Jr. called the police. Thumbs up for him at least having enough sense to drop the baby off at the fire station. I think up until the phone call he was running on pure emotion, which was not good.

That phone call that he made to Skyler was pretty interesting too. I rewatched it, and am now even more convinced that he knew that the police would be listening, and that entire phone call was done to try and get Skyler off the hook. I don’t think he had enough forethought to grab Holly as part of the whole plan, but I think it sunk in when Holly started calling for her mother. That’s when he made the plan: 1) Make that phone call, because Skyler would have undoubtedly called the police; 2) Knowing that, complain that she wasn’t towing the line by keeping her mouth shut; 3) Saying that she had nothing to do with his business. This, at least, gives Skyler an “out” with the police.

So, Saul’s “cleaner” gets Walt out of the state, presumably New Hampshire, since the next episode is named “Granite State”. Two implications there: 1) Well, it’s the nickname of New Hampshire, and 2) Walt’s gonna have to harden himself up for what’s going to happen next.

Breaking Bad: To’hajiilee



Talk about an episode building to an ending! Wow!

Well, things look pretty grim for Hank and Agent Gomez. I very seriously doubt that they make it out of there alive. Nice touch with having Hank call Marie. I think Walt is going to save Jesse at the very end of that fire fight.

Hank and Agent Gomez are the only people that know what’s going on. Even the agent guarding Huell doesn’t exactly know what’s going on.

Now comes Walt’s real problem: It won’t take long for Todd’s Uncle Jack to realize that he’s got the upper hand with Walt. Walt is definitely going to have to do a “cook” for Jack, and I’d wager that Jack will try and make sure Walt has to keep cooking after the first batch. Walt’s going to have to take his family and go into hiding, and FAST. Once that’s done, he’s going to go back and make sure that Jack doesn’t bother them ever again.

As soon as Marie realizes that Hank isn’t coming back, she’ll go to the DEA, and that’ll get Walt’s quarantined. I think Walt will have the family away long before that. He better call Saul’s vacuum guy.

So, one question: Walt was carrying his daughter when he walked into the car wash. Where did his daughter go? She’s not still in the back of Walt’s car, is she?

Breaking Bad: Thoughts Ahead of “To’hajiilee”

Spoilers Ahead

So, Jesse’s going after Walt to get Walt where it hurts the most. That must mean his family.

Who does Jesse have that he could possibly go to, to do that? No idea. Unless it’s Uncle Jack and Todd. I don’t think he’d go after Walt himself.

We haven’t seen Lydia, but I still bet that she’s not long for this world, since she hasn’t been delivering the quality of “product” that her buyers want. That’s not going to end well for her, I’d wager, and probably soon.

Question is, who’s Walt gunning for? And by that, I mean, why did Walt buy that gun, and why did he get that poison he had hidden in his house? Is that for a showdown with Jesse at the end? Is Walt going to sacrifice himself, to make sure that no one goes after his family, who are presumably safe and in hiding in New Hampshire?

Guesses, guesses, guesses. Who knows? About an hour until the next episode, “To’hajiilee”. That’s a reference to Tohajiilee Indian Reservation, part of the Navajo Nation.

Breaking Bad: Confessions

Spoilers ahead!

Another good episode! I couldn’t believe that Walt thought to frame Hank. I kept waiting for Walt to finish, but he kept going and going and going! Hank is really sunk, at least at this point.

Did anyone else think the server at the restaurant was reminiscent of the server in “Office Space”? For a while, I thought it was the same guy.

The next episode is entitled “Rabid Dog”. What do people do with rabid dogs? Put them down. I hope that doesn’t mean Jessie.

My other concern at this point is for Saul… I bet the “vacuum guy” still wants his $125k, and he’ll come looking for Saul for it. I hope Saul ends up surviving, but he’s really in deep trouble now.

And who the heck is Hank following? Is he the one that keeps Jesse from burning down the house?

Guess we’ll see next week.

Breaking Bad: Guesses Before “Confession” Airs

Spoilers Ahead!

Here’s where things are:

Jesse is in the interrogation room and Hank just walked in. Marie is completely freaked out that Skyler is covering for Walt, and may be involved with what Hank thinks Walt is up to.

Lydia has taken things into her own hands, and Uncle Jack and his crew kill the Declan and his crew.

So, what’s next? Here are some guesses:

Lydia had those guys killed because they couldn’t achieve the quality that Walt was capable of. I seriously doubt that Todd will be able to do that with Uncle Jack and his crew. What’s the next step there? When they realize they can’t do it, they’re going to come after Walt. Probably even threatening his family, which is the single thing that Walt has saying he’s been trying to protect and provide for this whole time. It could even be that the people that Lydia is supplying will instigate something like that. Either way, someone’s coming for Walt.

Now, we know from the flash-forwards that have been airing that Walt has traveled from New Hampshire. Why would they do that? It’s possible that the entire family has gone into the witness protection program, when Walt realizes that they only real way to protect his family will be in the hands of the feds. It’s just as likely that Walt and Family are taking some of the money and getting the heck out of town. I think that’s the more likely scenario.

Also in the flash forwards, we’re seeing that Walt is gearing up for something big. I think he realizes that even in hiding, always looking over his shoulder, eventually he and his family will be found. And, if his family is really in trouble like this, the only thing he can do is “take care of the problem” himself. With his family safe in New Hampshire, he’s traveling back to get rid of the people that are after his family once and for all.

Would Walt go out in a blaze of gun fire? Unlikely. He’s a very smart guy, and he’ll end up doing that won’t be a full out assault. He knows he could never win as one guy against many. Plus he has to end this for good, so his family is safe. What does he have so far? A BIG gun, and ricin.

What’s he going to do with the ricin? A poison like that mixed with all the chemicals in Lydia’s lab would create toxin “product”. That going out to Lydia’s buyers would end everything pretty shortly there after.

Breaking Bad airs tonight, and we’ll see how very off base I am about all this!

Breaking Bad – Blood Money


Spoilers ahead
Ha! So, it looks like my prediction about what Walt’s up to is wrong. He didn’t plant the book. He might be able to convince everyone else of his innocence, but not with Hank. The last line of the episode, when Walt said “Tread lightly”… Ha! I don’t think Hank ever expected that. It’ll be interesting to see where things go from here, because you can be sure that Walter isn’t going to sit back and watch things happen.

So, what’s next? Jesse is going a little crazy right now, and it sure looks like he’s not being careful at all – enough so that he will likely be caught by the police, or robbed by people who realize he has a lot of money. In fact, they’ll probably try and rob him after he gives it all away, and he’ll have the hell knocked out of him.

I think the thing Walter doesn’t realize is going to come to a head really quickly are the people that Lydia is dealing with. Her concern about the “68%” purity likely isn’t just coming from her, because, I mean, what does she know about it? It’s likely that she’s hearing that from the people she’s supplying. That being the case, if they don’t get what they want, they’re going to come after people. Lydia and Todd first, and then they’re going to come after Walter and his family.

…but who knows. The thing I love about this show is that every time I think I know where they’re going with a plot line, I’m surprised. It’s fun to speculate, but even more fun to be surprised.

Breaking Bad Begins Again August 11


The last eight episodes of Breaking Bad begin on August 11th.

Spoilers from last season ahead

The only way I think Walter can get out of this would be to frame himself. He would declare his innocence and act surprised that no one believed him, and then turn around and frame Lydia and the Czech cartel.

First step? Plant the book for Hank to find so the whole thing could start rolling. Why do I think that? Two reasons: First, we’ve seen him go through elaborate measures to manipulate people. Think the flower poisoning with that kid and giving Jesse an alibi. Second, with as careful as Walt has been all this time, would he really leave Gale’s book in his bathroom? No way. I just don’t see it.

I have a suspicion that he’ll end up having to fake his own death by the end though. The people he’s dealing with aren’t just going to stop if they find out who he is. It would be only good way to save his family. After the faked death, all the “evidence” would point to Walt being “innocent” the whole time.

I’d like to think the show will end with Walt having outsmarted them all, saving his family which is what he wanted to do in the first place.

Can’t wait for the last eight episodes to start!